Holden Horne

Name: Holden Horne
Age: Early 30s
Sex: Male
Height: 6 fulms, 4 ilms
Build: Athletic
Sexuality: Straight

A Thanalan native, Holden's childhood was anything but enviable. A rancher's son from Camp Drybone, Holden grew up in the shadow of an abusive and alcoholic single father. Rather timid as a child, his early years were marked with fear, bitterness and resentment as he was forced to learn how to avoid provoking his father (and, when he couldn't, how to protect himself from the worst of his violent outbursts).By 10, the boy was already a scrappy fighter, and by 12, he was world-wary enough to run away from home and stay gone. His teenage years were mostly spent kicking around Ul'dah and the surrounding settlements where he begged, borrowed and stole for what he needed to survive. Once older, and with few other options, he found his way into the Immortal Flames were he served for several years, eventually reaching the rank of corporal.Taking orders was never Holden's strong suit, however, and soon the young man left the Flames for what he hopped would be greener pastures, first struggling to make a living as an adventurer, then eventually finding his footing as a bounty hunter — a profession which he continues to pursue to this day.


Bounty Hunter: Got a mark that needs finding? Holden knows how to find them (and what to do with them when he does). Of course, the man won't do it out of the goodness of his heart, so don't be surprised when he asks for a pretty gil in exchange! After all— if you're good at something, never do it for free.

Former Flame: Although his time in the Immortal Flames was mostly unremarkable, he did serve about a decade ago, and might still be recognized by anyone else who was enlisted at the time.

Relentless Self-Discipline: Although not afraid to indulge in the finer things of life from time to time, Holden is a creature of incredible discipline.
As a result, he's managed to push his body to the greatest heights of physical performance. Maybe you've seen (or literally crashed into) him during his daily morning run through the streets of Ul'dah. Or maybe you've spent enough time in the Pugilist's Guild to recognize him as a regular among those who train there. Perhaps he'd be up for a friendly spar?

Beach Bum: Holden was well into his twenties before ever laying eyes on the ocean, but the moment he did, it was love at first sight. Ever since then, he makes regular trips to Costa Del Sol whenever he needs to unwind or decompress. If you spot him in the surf or at the beach bar, don't be afraid to say hello — he'll almost certainly welcome the company!

Coliseum-Goer: Although he never partakes in the fights himself, it's not uncommon to find Holden among the spectators at Ul'dah's coliseum. Occasionally he'll bet on a fight or two, but mostly he just comes to watch, and is always more than happy to shoot the shit with anyone else who happens to be watching.

Shameless Flirt: His one true weakness, Holden is a great lover of women. Willing to rise far beyond the normal call of duty if it means he might get to impress a pretty face, his love for the fairer sex has gotten him into trouble more than a time or two. He isn't naive, of course, and it takes more than the mere batting of eyelashes to manipulate this friendly flirt... and if he does suspect he's being played, he's likely to lose that roguish charm quite fast. But as far as hooks go, being an attractive woman is all it really takes to get his attention.


Some notes, for those interested:

- Timezone is CST (GMT-6). My availability can be sporadic, but I'm mostly on in the evenings.
- Big fan of walk-up/impromptu RP. I especially love IC approaches, but I understand some people are more comfortable discussing stuff OOC first. Shoot me a tell if that's your style, or just dive right on in.
- My f-list is available here, but it is absolutely not required reading, nor is it an invitation to be weird. Be cool. (NSFW)
- I'm accepting of most themes, I just ask that character death or serious injury be discussed before hand.
- Player is over 21 and not interested in RPing with anyone under that age, regardless of content. Sorry!
- I use mare, but it's not a requirement for me. If you use it too, great! If not, no problem! My only caveat is that I have no interest pairing unless we're actually going to RP. If the very first message you send me is "Mare?" then you're not getting it.
- My internet has a history of being flaky, and sometimes it drops out for hours at a time with no real warning. If we're in the middle of a scene and I vanish I promise it isn't on purpose! Sometimes I'm just victim to the whims of my shitty ISP and I'm trying to get back online ASAP.
- Lastly, if you compliment my carrd and then make no further effort to RP, I will make fun of you privately.